Back to School Season & Allergies
Early fall is often the worst time of year for allergy sufferers. In fact, it is estimated that at least 23 million people have a poor reaction to ragweed, the most common cause of autumn allergies.
Unfortunately, ragweed season also happens to coincide with back-to-school in many places.
For children with poorly managed or undiagnosed allergies, the stresses of entering a new classroom while also dealing with uncomfortable symptoms can lead to stress and anxiety.
To help your child feel as good as possible as they start the new year, it’s important to go in armed with information.
The hidden allergy risks in schools
For a child with allergic tendencies, school can be an especially dangerous place. Often, people who are allergic to one thing (like ragweed) have other allergies as well, whether or not they know it.
In a classroom environment, where you can’t monitor your child all day long, kids can face greater risk. Food allergies are often discussed in conjunction with school – we all know a parent whose child isn’t allowed to pack peanut butter and jelly in their lunch bag – but other issues can be less dramatice, but just as harmful.
Older buildings often have problems with mold or dust mites, and even simple chalk dust can be triggering for some children. In addition, playground time can mean exposure to plants and pollens your child may not be used to, in addition to biting or stinging insects.
Educate your child
Even if your child doesn’t have any known allergies, it is wise to educate them on signs and symptoms, as well as treatment options. For example, you may want to let them know what types of foods are common triggers or types of insects they should look out for around the playground and in the classrooms. It is worth noting that even if your child has never had an allergic reaction in the past, they could still be susceptible since our complex biological and energetic bodies change all the time. Many people, young and old, develop new allergies as they age and find themselves suddenly allergic to something that never bothered them in the past.
Know your school’s allergy procedures
Before school starts, most parents take the time to look at lunch menus, read teacher bios, or memorize the bus schedule. Why not take the time to educate yourself on allergy procedures as well? It is important to understand how the nurse will handle allergic reactions, should they occur, and how you would be notified.
Minimize the risk of allergies before they occur
Whether your child already has allergies or is at risk of developing them in the future, there are steps you can take to minimize complications or even eliminate the issue all together. Many experts agree that allergies are the result of a nervous system that has become over-reactive. In a healthy body, this is not normal and not productive.
Allergy clearing asks the body what it is seeing as an enemy and enables it to recognize that same substance as a friend. Many people report noticing an improvement after just a few sessions.
Schedule a free consultation today (for you or your child!) and get started on the path to healthy living!